Monday, 3 September 2018

THE COLDHARBOUR DIARIES: Jon feels like Madonna

I have just released a digital album, and—partly as an experiment to see if what people say about the current state of the music  industry—and partly to stoke my massive ego, I am actually trying to promote it for a change, but sharing my experiences with you guys in readershipland...

I know how Madonna feels now, as her royalties come pouring in. I have now sold TWO copies of my new record, 'Coldharbour', and I am remarkably pleased with myself. For years I have just put my new music up on Spotify and basically forgotten it. Now, just for fun, I am playing the promotion game (and hoping that whatever I learn from these PR games will assist me in my day jobs with the CFZ and Gonzo). I have even started an EPK for anyopne who wants to review the record. Please email me on if that is the case, and please be nice. My ego is far too fragile for the sort of criticism that some reviewers dish out.  

Coldharbour, by the way, can be found here:

I think it is really rather good, but then again I would say that wouldn't I?